PBS Campus Experience
at Stony Brook University
Summer 2018 Campus Experience
All sessions meet on 3rd floor of the Student Activities Center on the campus of Stony Brook University
July 16, 2018-August 8, 2018 Tuition is $250 per course per semester. PBS can receive payment directly from an approved 3rd party payer (FI). EACH SECTION IS LIMITED TO 15 INDIVIDUALS. STUDENTS MUST ATTEND WITH THEIR OWN NECESSARY SUPPORTS. |
PBS Adult Education classes are taught using various instructional methods tailored to the specific needs of adult learners. Students will be encouraged to develop critical thinking, research and study skills, and utilize technology for learning and collaboration. All students inherently benefit from being engaged in an active college environment.
The Campus Experience is designed for young adults interested in gaining new skills on an exciting and vibrant college campus. There are now 3 course offerings for the summer session:
July 16-August 8, 2018
Mondays & Wednesdays 9:30am - 11:00am: Disney 101
Mondays & Wednesdays 11:30am - 1:00p : Hobby Happiness
Monday & Wednesdays 1:30 pm - 3:00pm: History of Yoga <------------Newly added!
Download Flyer
Download Flyer for newly added class - History of Yoga
Course Descriptions:
PBS Adult Education classes are taught using various instructional methods tailored to the specific needs of adult learners. Students will be encouraged to develop critical thinking, research and study skills, and utilize technology for learning and collaboration. All students inherently benefit from being engaged in an active college environment.
The Campus Experience is designed for young adults interested in gaining new skills on an exciting and vibrant college campus. There are now 3 course offerings for the summer session:
July 16-August 8, 2018
Mondays & Wednesdays 9:30am - 11:00am: Disney 101
Mondays & Wednesdays 11:30am - 1:00p : Hobby Happiness
Monday & Wednesdays 1:30 pm - 3:00pm: History of Yoga <------------Newly added!
Download Flyer
Download Flyer for newly added class - History of Yoga
Course Descriptions:
Disney 101
Since 1928, when Mickey Mouse 1st appeared, Walt Disney, and the company bearing his name, has made an enduring impact on the world of entertainment. From animation in film, television and merchandise and the establishment of the modern theme park, Disney is known to everyone throughout the world. This 8-session Summer class will give an overview of this history during Walt Disney's lifetime up until the present day and engage students in their own exploration of the Disney impact on the world. Students will hear from guest Disney-ologists and have an opportunity to discuss and share how the work of Walt Disney and his legacy has affected them personally. It would not be a surprise if their were not an expert among the students in the class that could teach something to the rest of us! History of Yoga
This course will explore the almost 2000-year-old practice that originated in India and has now become a household name in Western Countries. It has recently been reported that more than 20 million (!!) people in the United States do some form of yoga each year. We will explore questions around the practice, including: Is Yoga a religion? Can yoga heal you? Why do some doctors recommend yoga to their patients? This course will answer these questions and much more. We will review ancient texts like the Bhagavad Gita and Yoga Sutras, and explain how the words, mantras, and lessons within them are still used and relevant today. We will learn about the many different types of Yoga, including Hatha, Iyengar, Kundalini, and Yin Yoga and discuss what they are, where they came from, and their applications to physical and emotional health. Gentle physical practice will also be introduced and taught by a certified yoga instructor. |
Hobby Happiness
Discover your Hobby Happiness! In this class, students will explore their interests and how they can be expressed through various hobbies. Outside guests will come to class to share their hobby stories with students - why they like their hobby, how they got started and how they pursue the hobby today. Students will learn to think creatively with other curious learners about what they enjoy and how they can express their passions and interests. Learn a brand new skill! Meet new people and try different things! By the end of the course, each student will have a plan of how to get involved, or more involved, with their particular interest, and identify community venues and online resources to keep them engaged in their hobby. |
Campus Experience Registration Process
A. Fill Out Online Registration Form
Instructions for payment methods are included as part of the online form below.
**Please make sure we have current contact info in case of school closings.
PBS is not responsible should this confirmation not come to you from your FI prior to the 1st day of classes.
PBS is not responsible should this confirmation not come to you from your FI prior to the 1st day of classes.